On Sale
Kobo 3 Seater Sofa
Timeless in style, Kobo sofas and loungers constitute a marvel of technical complexity. Kobo’s secret? A structure made entirely of hand-woven rope around a welded aluminium frame. The curved lines of the armchair and full-length sofa are combined with deep, plush seating for extreme comfort.
Width: 270 cm
Depth: 109 cm
Height: 64 cm
- 100% Polyolefin fabric
- Developed specifically for outdoor use
- Fibres dyed in the mass, UV-resistant
- Swimming pool and sea water resistant and repellent
- Washable at 30°C (86°F)
- Light fastness: 7
- Resistance to abrasion (Martindale): 15 000
- 100% recyclable
- Includes protective cover and scatter cushions